Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Holy Communion

Off to St Lawrence, Oxford, for one of our new Church House weekly lunchtime Eucharists. Doesn't mean we get let off Sunday church! This is just extra blessing! 8 of us there, presided over by Archdeacon Norman (see picture).

Teaching on the Sacramental theology course last night at Church House: 20 people studying patristic and medieval period Eucharistic liturgies, and learning about the way Eucharistic prayers were put together in the past. Great energy in the group, of which 8 or so are ordinands, with all but one of the rest identifying themselves as 'supporters' from their parishes. We went round the room introducing ourselves, at the start of the session. After I heard from all the supporters, I said that I was there to 'support' them all, and were the other supporters there to learn too, or just there to accompany the ordinands on the journey into Oxford? It was encouraging to hear their warm endorsement of the idea that they are also learners hoping to grow and develop in their Christian faith.

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Social scientific study of the New Testament

I'm finding Modelling early Christianity (which I'm reading for my Doctorate in Ministry at King's College, London) very interesting. I've known about sociological approaches to Bible study for some time, and this book is helping me see something of the theoretical background for this method of interpretation. I am intrigued that modern analyses of, say, group relations, can be used to look at the way the early church formed. I've also been reading Anthony Gidden's writings on sociology, and I am about to tackle Berger and Luckman. Weber next!

I may write more on this as I continue to read the book, although as I also have an assignment to complete, this may not be for some time!

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