Monday 5 January 2009

Christmas stamps

I saw a letter in the Church Times from one of my students today. Helen Chamberlain was writing about trying to get religious stamps for her Christmas cards. She had the same problem that my husband Julian experienced - the Post Office said they didn't have any. On enquiring further, Helen discovered that her local PO did have them, but hidden away under the counter. She bought some, but was told by the counter assistant not to tell anyone else that she had the 'Jesus' stamps. She went out thinking that what she wanted to do was tell everyone she had Jesus, and not keep quiet about it. Quite right too! What Christian minister can keep quiet about his/her reason for being?!!

Coincidentally, the same copy of the Church Times (19th Dec. 2008) had another article that said that the Charity Commission accepts that evangelism is OK, stating that 'proselytising is of benefit to the public'. So Christians aren't meant to keep quiet about Jesus - it's official!

I wonder if we all wrote to the PO and complained, that they would take us seriously for a change? After all, the Church is a seriously big lobby if we exercise our moral muscle.

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